Billing Frequency

Q. How often am I billed for my website services?

All AdvisorNet fees are calculated on a monthly basis and billing is processed on a quarterly basis.

Q. How does the quarterly billing work?

All quarterly invoices are processed on the first day of the current quarter and contain charges for the three months included in that quarter. For example:
  • January 1st billing covers January, February & March
  • April 1st billing covers April, May & June
  • July 1st billing covers July, August & September
  • October 1st billing covers October, November & December
So if a client has a Business Pro – Deluxe website package ($102 per month) their quarterly invoice would be: $102 X 3 = $306 (+ Applicable Taxes) This fee is charged on the first date of each quarter and applies for the upcoming quarter.

Billing Statements

Q. When do I get a copy of my paid invoice?

After a payment has been successfully applied to an invoice a copy of the PAID invoice is sent to the client via email.

Q. Do I get an annual statement of charges that I can use for tax purposes?

Yes, we send out annual account statements around the end of January of each year so that each client has a summary of all charges and payments applied to their account during the previous calendar year.

Payment Options/Changes

Q. What are the available payment options?

We Gladly Accept the Following Payment Methods:                               Submit this Pre-authorized Debit Form to pay your website fees via a bank account.

Q. How do I change my payment option?

Tosubmit new credit card information for your account you can create a Support Ticket in our Control Panel or by calling our office at: 1.866.853.2980. To change the payment method for your account to Pre-Authorized Debit download the P.A.D. Form and FAX the completed document to: 1.866.870.4091.